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Oz Comics Newsletter v.2 #55

Oz Comics Newsletter v.2 #55
Tuesday Feb 1 02000

In this issue: Milk Bar is back! Polyester: cartoonists to the rescue! Plus new
comics, new addresses, prizes and fun!


POLYESTER T-SHIRT CONTEST is in full swing. Check out the specification and
rules at

AMBER CARVAN writes from Adelaide:
Howdy Folks - it's that time again. MILK BAR are looking for submissions for our
next issue due out in May 2000. In anticipation of applications for Government
Funding (and in an attemmpt to make the compilation process a little smoother)
we've tried to standardise the submission and review guidelines for MILK BAR.
Hopefully this information will prove helpful - especially for first time

In short the submission deadline is April 1, 2000 - and the content theme is
WORK. If you're keen to write, draw or review then read on.

In other news the MILK BAR team are now based in Adelaide - where I'm working at
The Australian Network for Art and Technology and Richard is undertaking
full-time study in printing! You can still write to us at ** PO Box 1255, North
Fitzroy, VIC, 3068 ** and via email (preferred) at



What is...?

MILK BAR is an Australian Journal that focuses on the people and products of
small press. By small press we mean independently produced zines, magazines,
comics, books, anthologies and other self published materials. MILK BAR contains
words and pictures from all around the world on dictated themes as well as
interviews and feature articles on people, events and issues of relevance to
small press. The journal is roughly divided in two - one half contains written
and visual submissions and the other half comprises a comprehensive reviews
section which aims to explore and discuss the merit of small press in Australia.

MILK BAR was established in 1997 with a number of aims in mind. These are to
provide a forum for emerging Australian writers and artists to publish their
work,to generate publicity for Australian small press creators, to encourage
discussion of issues and events relating to small press and to promote the
wealth of Australia's small press talent to a national and International

MILK BAR enjoys distribution to every state in Australia, and is also made
available to publishing and artistic professionals at conventions and expo's in
the USA and Europe.

Who can contribute...?

Anyone can contribute to MILK BAR - there are no age, professional or other
restrictions. However, given that MILK BAR aims to grant exposure to emerging
artists and writers we will, in our selection, give priority to those writers
and artists whose work is previously unpublished. Contributions are open to
creators from around the world but our reviews focus solely on Australian
content publications and events. While we would like you to have read a copy of
MILK BAR before you contribute, we would encourage you not to feel overly
influenced by the style of contribution we have published in the past - we are
always after new and different material. After all, we want to represent your
work as an emerging artist/writer - we don't demand that you represent us!

MILK BAR themes

Each issue of MILK BAR contains two themes - one that relates to design (and
which will form the name for that edition) and another which relates to content.
Submissions to MILK BAR can relate to either of these themes although most
people tend to select the content theme as the basis of their contribution. MILK
BAR themes are intentionally provided as only a one or two word description,
thus allowing creators to interpret and develop the concept in any way they see

The design theme for the next issue is: MILK BARFLY The content theme for the
next issue is: WORK

MILK BAR is released at least once, hopefully twice - but definitely not more
than three times a year. Please endeavour to get your contribution to us well
before the deadline date below. Extensions may be possible - especially if we're
running behind schedule too - so if you get in trouble it's worth getting in
touch to let us know.

The deadline for contributions to the next issue of MILK BAR is: April Fools
Day, 2000.
Guidelines for Submissions

Written contributions can be fiction, non-fiction, rants, raves, poems,
interviews, essays or any other style of writing. Your contribution must be
typed out and spell checked. MILK BAR would prefer that your contribution is
sent as raw text or RTF attachment via email. While we encourage you to be
creative, you must also be prepared to have your contribution edited - we will
contact you if a major edit or rewrite is required. MILK BAR does not impose any
size limitations on written contributions.

In terms of artwork MILK BAR is happy to receive contributions in most forms of
visual media and graphic art, particularly comics. Unfortunately we are not in a
position to publish your photographs. Artwork should be black and white, in A5
dimensions and no more than six pages long. Good, clean, hard copies should be
sent to MILK BAR via mail. Please don't send us your originals as we will not
return them.

MILK BAR are always keen to have people nominate themselves to write reviews.
When nominating yourself as a reviewer please provide us with some information
regarding your background in writing, the style of small press that interests
you and an indication of how many reviews you would be able to write in the
given time. When we have received your registration of interest we will send you
some publications for review. If you find that you are no longer in a position
to commit to reviewing publications for MILK BAR please ensure that you let us
know as
soon as possible.

PO Box 1255 North Fitzroy VIC 3068 Australia

Stratu notes a comics exhibition at the Tap Gallery in Darlinghurst. Contact
him for more info:

Busy Stratu also mentions a comics pub night "Friday Feb 4 at the Royal
Exhibition Hotel cnr Devonshire and Chalmers Sts right opposite the Central
Station exit. it gets going at about 6.00pm and goes on until at least

This from Anton Emedin:
Comics & Animation Editor

Read comics? Love animations? Want to earn a living? UGO Networks, Inc.
( a full-time Comics & Animation editor for its portal
page. The Comics & Animation Editor will write and edit originalnews stores
culled from the various Websites within our network on topics ranging from The
Fantastic Four to Macross to The Simpsons.
Candidate should know and be willing to learn more about the comics, anime,
manga, Flash/3D animation, digital video and comic strip scene and will also
interact with the industry to obtain materials. This position requires strong
entertaining writing, editing and proofing skills as well as an ability to
master the comics and animation industries. Individual must be well organized,
have an eye for detail and be able to juggle multiple tasks and tight deadlines.
Experience with minor HTML (bold and italics tags, for example) preferred.
Flexibility and a sense of humor are essential.
Please send a variety of writing samples and do check out the site before
applying. E-mail mailto:( and cover letter, or fax to (212)


"Australia's Leading Cartoonist",ANTON EMEDIN, has a strip on ABC's Future
Exchange site.

In the ongoing POLYESTER saga, TIM DANKO ("Australia's Sexiest Cartoonist") of
Dead Xerox would like to give Paul some free comics to defray legal costs. He's
offering to run some off at his day job, and might be willing to include some of
yours. (How much longer you keepin' that job Tim?)

Comics Journal darling and adopted Taswegian BEN RIDDER ("Australia's Most
Self-Effacing Cartoonist") is no longer working for The Man. He's resigned from
his council job and will be "lounging around the house composing an honours
thesis" possibly until November. The lifestyle change has led to rampant
speculation on the Comics Australia message board.
Note new email - his previous one will not be functional.
GPO Box 1735 HOBART 7001

Not sure if this is really news since everyone's already seen Q-RAY's site
upgrade ("Australia's Battling Cartoonist"), but if you _haven't_ check out his
flash cartoon, "There is No God." a

SHAGS ("Australia's Geekiest Cartoonist") has up and moved back to Canberra. You
can still reach her via Dead Xerox Press, P.O. Box 348, Flemington Victoria 3031
Australia. Or

Rumor has it jovial GERARD ASHWORTH ("Australia's most PhilDickian Cartoonist")
will be on email soon. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

CASSANDRA TYTLER ("Australia's Most Obscure Cartoonist") has a new issue of
_Relax Baby_ out, available via Melbourne shops or

BRUCE MUTARD ("Australia's Most Employable Yet Strangely Ignored Cartoonist")has
a new piece out, as Kelvin Lee of Comic Universe notes in the press release for
webcomic _Forbidden Galaxy_.
"4--GRAVY Depending on where you're at and where you're coming from, this short
piece of work by the Melbourne, Australia based BRUCE MUTARD is either hilarious
or horrifying. Perhaps both."
More info, Kelvin Lee

Q-RAY breathlessly notes a new convention coming to Centrepoint, March 25th
9am-5pm. Guests are Art Adams, Jeph Loeb, Joyce Chin. Contact Daniel on 0412 026
797 or email

MARCUS WESTBURY has not only resigned from his position as head of the NATIONAL
YOUNG WRITERS FESTIVAL, he's also finished his job at ABC's Future Exchange.
He'll be taking up a job "as the Creative/Artistic Manager of the sequel to the
Australia Council's LOUD festival (tentatively titled 'LOUDer' and scheduled for
2001/02)." He'll still be helping with the Newie event behind the scenes. "I'm
planning to have sex this year," the wily promoter is reported to have said.
Should also include email for his successor, the anagrammic AMANDA KERLEY: Default festy office is c/o Octapod (02) 49270470.

ALTERNATIVE PRESS EXPO takes place this coming weekend in San Francisco. Stay
tuned for word from Che Gilson of Plastic Planet.

You know, it's come to my attention that some of you don't know I've got a site.
Well, I've got a site. Now you know.

- J