Late again! My computer is in the shop. Will update the latest strip in a few days.
Other news:
Lisa Mandel (who participated in Lakhorn Kou a while back)
will be teaching at Phare art school in Battambang in August.
And here’s a sign by Lucie Albon and Keu Tian of the same project, spotted on Route 6.
‘For the smile of a Child’ nonprofit.
Rajana.org is looking for a logo for their Khmer student Arts group.
Karl Wills notes:
The new Jessica of the Schoolyard book “Jessica Vs. Megapotamus” has
just been printed and is in the Auckland stores as of tomorrow. Very
limited print run, the 3-D viewing specs have to be imported from the
US. $9.00 for 8 panels, is that a new record?
Should be also available in Graphic(Wellington) and Comics Compulsion
(Christchurch) in a week or so.