Word from Lark Pien:

TRYPTICH – a play!!

jason shiga, thien pham, and i will be exhibiting some comic work january 24th and 25th with Summi Kaipa’s play. goto http://www.hoardmag.com/tryp.htm for all the juicy info. it is advertised in the Guardian too.

SHE DRAWS COMICS - an exhibition at the Cartoon Art Museum! it travelled to austria and spain and now it’s here! i will have a few

pieces in this show which runs from January 25th to June 8th.

goto http://www.cartoonart.org/please come and support the museum – just right downtown!

EAT WITH ME, LONG TAIL KITTY! - book release!

i will have a NEW book of family recipes with LTK and friends on my

table at APE this year.

goto http://www.comic-con.org/pages/APE2003.html it is very nearby me abode.

i will also have other LTK books and Finger Puppets which you can take

home in a TO GO box. after this i’d really really like to get back to my

stories from the ward projects, they’ve been sitting on the wayside TOO long.

for those of you who are out of town, you can peek in and see what i’ve

been up to at http://www.usscatastrophe.com/store/index.html, my books are listed under my name. you can click on the pictures. otherwise, if you’re in

town, hope to see you soon!

(click on above for bigger image)


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